Uses Holograms to Boost Retention and Engagement

Interactive engagement. This term may be a bit on the nose but it perfectly captures what it would take to make sure that betting and gaming companies reach their audiences and keep them interested. This is why cryptocurrency betting operator has teamed up with 2mee, which describes itself as a “direct human messaging platform” to bring holograms of popular athletes to life and allow them to interact with sports fans and customers.

Holograms in the Sports Betting Experience

These holograms will now replace’s notification system on the website and instead introduce realistic renders of popular athletes, such as Australian cricketer Brett Lee or Ra Parlor, who will pop up and drop news about offers and other relevant information that may be of value to customers. The idea is to have a riveting experience that begins to exceed what competitors may offer. sportsbook manager Joe McCallum spoke about this innovation and argued that 2mee would make it possible for the company’s ambassadors to be even more active and more involved with the brand without necessarily expending the additional effort:

“Thanks to 2mee, we can bring ambassadors to life for our users around the world. This is what we mean when we talk about putting our customers at the center of the universe.” is already reporting some interesting results too. According to the company’s preliminary analysis, the clickthrough rate has increased by 51% since customers have been exposed to holograms. This engagement is well above industry standards, explained.

Engagement 7BALL Goes Up, Costs Go Down

2mee CEO James Riley was also thrilled to welcome the developments. Riley explained that has seen a drop in acquisition costs while increasing both loyalty and retention. According to him, the hologram initiative is a perfect example of what may be achieved by combining human connection with technology.

More:  Lion Gaming Group Completes Purchase of 1Click Games is perfectly capable of embracing this dynamic, Riley explained and said that 2mee is there to help achieve those brand goals. Riley said that working with an innovative team such as would allow the company to pursue further opportunities down the road and bring this technology to more partners, but more importantly, help its existing ones set a new standard for the industry. is effectively the first crypto operator that has opted for this hologram notifications as part of its core CRM. The results are already in which could soon signal a shift towards more hologram interaction as others will be trying to catch up to